Extending series of JavaScript library, we are now going to discuss Prototype!
For manipulation of functions and convenience for developers, the designing of a wide range of JavaScript libraries came into existence. However, all of these libraries or JavaScript modular frameworks are famous due to their specificity and functionalities. Therefore, The JavaScript library of Prototype provides the classes or styling of the OO framework, convenient DOM- manipulation, Ajax supporting features, and construction of high order programming. Hence, just like other libraries, it introduced ease for developing functionalities in dynamic web applications.
Moreover, it is popular due to the single-file coding of JavaScript that makes it more demanding among web developers. The languages proportion of coded file of library includes 79.4% JavaScript, 15% HTML, 0.8% CSS, and Ruby 2.8% for diversification in Ajax-based applications. Hence, the reports of w3techs revealed that 0.6% of all websites are using the Prototype JavaScript library by 2021. This framework is the best option to introduce the fun and convenience in DOM manipulation for cross-browsers in Ajax applications.
History of Prototype JavaScript Framework
Sam Stephenson was the creator of the JavaScript modular of Prototype, as a team member of Prototype Core Team, with the support of Ruby on Rails. Thus, This JavaScript library came up with excellent features to develop Ajax applications in February of the year 2005. However, the main purpose of the developer of this library was to introduce a new edge of complexity in client-side web programming.
Tempting features of DOM-oriented library
According to the integration of features, it comes up in last but not the least place in the category of DOM-oriented JavaScript Modular libraries. The designing of coding reveals its functionalities for the solution of real-world problems, building clumsy interfaces for Ajax, the addition of scripting extensions, and much more. Hence, some of the useful and tempting features of DOM oriented single coding file of JavaScript library include:
Ajax Utilities
To support the Ajax application, the modification of this framework provides the best utilities. All the popular browsers are compatible with the XML HTTP Request object, so this framework enables Ajax to run as a native object on them. Hence the hierarchy of Ajax objects is the best feature of the prototype to develop an inheritance system in it.
Cross-Browser Support
The compatibility of the Ajax application and its running on multiple browsers is necessary to outflow the programming. It helps to handle different browsers hence, modifying the cross-browsers system of Ajax applications.
JavaScript Events
The building and designing of coding events and extended elements are the most important feature of Prototype. Thus, it helps to maintain excellent support for cross-browsers.
HTML Forms
Drag & drops, graphics, and communication with clients are major components of an Ajax application, Thus, this framework makes available the set of utilities for HTML forms that assist the capturing and passage of inputs to the server-side.
The Document Object Model
DOM programming and DOM functionality are tempting facilities offered by the Prototype to introduce ease for web developers.
Functionalities OF Prototype JavaScript Framework:
However, the Functionalities of each JavaScript library differ in terms of uniqueness and specificity. That’s why the Prototype has also distinguishable functions and roles in designing complexity for Ajax applications.
Defining and creating classes:
The latest version of Prototype provides the special function of class-defining and creation according to the way of developers. Hence, the properties in the web application assigned by the classes are called initialize method.
Manipulation of DOM Extension
This JavaScript library defines the manipulation of DOM extension in a very different way. It adds the CSS elements to introduce new functionalities in Ajax applications through giving ‘ID comments. Therefore, DOM elements are assigned through the Element. methods objects.
Event Delegation
The advanced technique of Prototype is the event delegation which drives the event programming in the Ajax web application. Thus, it attaches the element in the ancestral tree to integrate the functions instead of designing the new event.
Introduction to Ajax calls
Dealing with Ajax calls in applications becomes so convenient with this JavaScript library for developers. Hence, for handling the data from a response, Ajax requests are the best dealing method.
Through predefined objects and Event delegation programming, the Prototype JavaScript framework comes up with more appealing and tempting features. Thus, The single coding file of JavaScript and its pre-designed classes introduces new ease for web developers of Ajax applications.