Crafting Dynamic Visual Stories: Harnessing the Power of D3.js
Extending series of JavaScript Libraries, we are going to unveil amazing facts of D3.JS
Whether web browsers or Ajax applications, interactive data visualization, and dynamic graphics are considered as the most important feature. Being a high programming language, JavaScript is most applicable and handles functionalities in websites.
Since 1995, after the first software programming of JavaScript, many web developers started preferring it for websites. However, the insertion of more features through the coding of JavaScript has become a major burden for web designers. Thus, this problem did not prolonged and the solution comes up in form of JavaScript libraries.
So, D3.JS is one of the most famous libraries among the graphical JavaScript category which helps to revolutionize 3D graphical visualization with the new mode. Moreover, there are various categories of JavaScript library which concerns to a specific type of functionality. Therefore, the selection and implication of these libraries become convenient for web designers while designing websites.
The D3.JS, being the successor of the Protovis framework, produces dynamic graphics and interactive data visualizations for web browsers. However, before its development, many attempts have been made in terms of graphical libraries e.g. Prefuse, Protovis toolkits, and Flare. So, all of the features of previously described libraries exists together in form of D3.JS.
History of D3. Js as first leading Graphical library
Due to the extreme need for data visualization on web browsers, an American team of computer scientists Mike Bostock, Jason Davies, Jeffrey Heer, Vadim Ogievetsky, and the community worked on designing the graphical library. Thus, the hardworking of the team resulted in the first release of D3.JS version 2.0.0 in 2011. In the next 10 years, many versions with advanced new features have been released. and the most recent one is 6.7.0, released in April 2021 with astonishing data visualization characteristics. Moreover, this library is designed with JavaScript coding and compatible with its programming at the back-end. Hence, the library of D3.JS is available under the license of BSD.
Tempting and graphical Features of D3. JS
Being combo of the previously designed library, D3.JS functions through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML5 and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Hence, the multiple vector graphics mode visualizes 3D images for astonishing data Visualization. Thus, the most distinguishing feature of the library is the utilization of pre-built functions for selection of elements, creation of SVG objects, the addition of transitions and interactive effects for web browsers. However, the data visualization in various formats e.g. comma-separated values (CSV) and JSON helps in the creation of 3D images or diagrams. Moreover, the other features which enhance its demands among web designers include:
Selection of CSS style
To fulfill the demands of modern web browsers, D3.JS enables web designers to select a required set of DOM through CSS-style selectors. Hence, the graphical JavaScript library proceeds in the same manner as jQuery for manipulations through operations. Thus, for the integration of characters in the graphics of websites, the library selects HTML styles and puts that feature in it. So, the selected CSS- style may be an attribute, HTML tag, class, hierarchy, and identifier.
Declaration of Transitions
Time to time modification of web browsers requires some astonishing graphical styles, which styles and attributes upload it. Hence, the declaration of transitions is crucial for gradual change in textures and designs.
Appending nodes using data
While designing a web browser, the web developers restrict or bound a dataset, whose changes are not possible. But, D3. JS is only one tool that allows the updating of a datasets by explicating the functions. Thus, the commands of enter () and exit () update the dataset, represented by the DOM node in the selection.
Data Binding
Loading and binding of elements with previously design JavaScript coding become more convenient through D3.JS. Hence, the graphical library assists in the creation of SVG objects with associated properties e.g. texture, color, shapes, charts, and values.
Functions of API structure of D3.JS
API structure of D3.JS provides a variety of functions through logical units. These units of API include;
- Colour: the color of background and texture is a major component of designing, and is controlled by API structure as it supports RGB, HCL, and HSL. Hence, it also controls brightening, combinations, and darkening of colors.
- Geometry: the geometry of shapes and structures, and its modification become possible through the API structure of D3.JS. As it computes the intersection of convex shapes and Voronoi diagrams.
- Arrays: Array operations of D3.JS assists in modification of previously designed arrays of JavaScript in web browsers. Moreover, It also implements the manipulating associative arrays and maps.
Either there is the insertion of elements or CSS styles for updating web browsers, D3.JS is the best graphical library. This library work on the principles of 3 previously designed libraries. So, it has a wide range of features and functionalities for the facilitation of web designers for data visualization on multiple web browsers.